"write like a woman"

Take a look at the work I did for an office company in the document I am attatching called portfolio.
These are what I produced for them when they wanted descriptions of thier office products. I went a different way.
I would suggest to you that I would be a great candidate because I write off-beat interesting prose. I propose that I start an interesting train of thought, and when it starts picking up steam, they can read the rest on your website.

 On the freelancing website there was a job to help a dude sell earrings. .
I think I hit this one out of the park
1. Give the reader/customer I need some content for the webshop´s blog, that talks about great stuff related to earrings and jewelry in general. Not just for SEO purposes, but to actually engage my readers/customers.

Not being a woman myself, I have some difficulties coming up with high quality content for my blog, that women will actually want to readsome great content, that really helps her.
2. Built a relasionship with the reader/customer and bring them back to the blog.
3. Show them banner ads for my products, inside the blog, NOT the emails.

Job description:
----> What I need YOU to do:

Write quality articles for the blog (not the usual keyword rich SEO articles).
Write LIKE a woman TO a woman.
Use personal language, but not TOO personal.

I will give you further info, when you contact me.

Best regards!
If you like the way the words come out of my brain in the examples in the portfolio and want to do some business, Ilike to work for 4 hours a day at my hourly rate, usually one hour before bed where I will sketch out an outline or two and then 3 hours upon waking. Wonderful things happen when people pay me to "do" words for them.

I would submit that well written, entertaining prose are what people like to read about. Why try to predict what a woman will like? That sounds like a fools errand to me.

I will try to write like a woman though, just this once, for free, for you,my new part time boss.

It was another of those long winter nights in Denmark. The sun was mostly a memory. But still, commerce had forced us out of ourhomes, and this gatheringof people was something to do onthe way home and almost social. Plus it had the promise of Bjorn's award winning Reindeer chili.
"Those are very distinctive earrings," said the modern day viking walking up to me with a twinkle in his eye. "i'd like to geta pair for my mother for Mother's Day"
"I remind you of your mother, do I?"
"Only in style and confidennce, she's seen and done it all and it's very hard to describe her taste, but you seem to share it, I'm Lars." he said, extending a hair covered paw in my direction.
"EEEK a BEAR!" I squealed and the room got eerily quiet. They were niether fans of bears nor fans of squealing women in fantastic earrings.
It was both. Lars, it seems, had a normal enough torso, but where his arms and legs would be he had the extremities of a small red bear.
Something came over me then, and I swooned. When I woke up I was looking into this half viking half bear man's concerned eyes.....

I can also write about how cute kittens are.....

1 comment:

  1. Various Positions Vacancy (Reading)
    Our growing company needs more sales associates to join us. Please tell us if you have a health care license or you want to get one in 60 days we'll consider it. As soon as you get hired you'll have contract signing and your training before you start working.

    We have a fun environment and we have good workers as they have excellent performance as well.Send us your complete resume and indicate the position your applying for(Sales agent,broker and manager).

    This job has great pay and great renewals as well.Please inquire soon. •Location: Reading
    •Compensation: 58,000 to 164,000 First Year Commissions + Renewals
    •Principals only. Recruiters, please don't contact this job poster.
    •Please do not contact job poster about other services, products or commercial interests.

    Posting ID: 3900206498

    Posted: 2013-06-28, 2:03AM EDT

    Updated: 2013-07-08, 12:17AM EDT

    this job looked good, helping people, that's what I do afterall. Whether im helping a staff full of battered teachers fight the worlds crappiest administrators or helping a heroic warrior for gender equality with severe health issues, regular jobs don't do it for me, or not for long. I get bored working just for money, there needs to be some sort of mission involved. or some sort of temporary nature to them. I am not the guy who will be working for you for more than a few years, is there somewhere in the resume for that little nugget of truth to go??

    But this job seems like I would be helping, and it seems like it is a scam, probably selling some 60 day training course.... will help with grants and loans and jobs once you get thru it., they definitely need help in writing craigslist ads in English,,, maybe I can do some freelance for them.... become the best spam writer in history,,,, yeah,,, nahh

    so I wrote this back to them and it sounds tru today anyway... at 530, out of bed an hour, writing straight out of dreamland when the true words seem to flow, before they pick up the stench of this bullshit world we live in...

    I was a school teacher for 13 years. I have had a lot of other jobs since then, none have seemed to fill the need I have to be HELPING people while I work. I am not interested in working solely for money. For a job to work for me I have to feel like I am really helping my boss or someone else out.....

    so this is a break though of sorts, now I know my motivation for helping, people ask me for help and I do, that's just the people pleaser in me.... so we will see where this newest path goes, probably no where, but who needs a destination?
    im just following the path of least resistance like always, that's my water nature... flowing downstream .... seeking my level.... getting to the dying ocean and feeling the sticky surf and realizing that maybe I am a fresh water type of guy.... heading up stream and finding that the creeks are all on fire because its cheaper in the long run to pollute our water and piss off hillbillies for w while than to have to deal with billionaires with a different mount rushmore in the sky who hate us and have historically gated us for the same reasons as always.... we can paint flags on the gas trucks and get away with some local environmental devestation for awhile before the hillbillies wise up to what the wizard is working on behind the curtains... pay no attention to the mand behind the curtain!
